Residential Structural Inspections
Bond Engineering can also carry out structural inspections while your home is under construction or when a mortgage company or bank needs an engineer’s opinion before writing a loan.
Bond Engineering's structural inspection service includes measuring the sizes and spans of structural members, assessing alignment of the structure and probing with an awl where necessary. The client must organise limited excavation around the foundation as required. Soil investigation is not part of our scope but can be arranged if requested. Other systems, such as plumbing, electrical or mechanical are also not evaluated as part of the structural assessment, but may be discussed with your inspector during the structural inspection.
Our visual structural inspection reports generally include the following:
Scope of work and purpose of our inspection
Description of the property
Findings and recommendations
If needed, engineer's estimate
At times, our clients will ask us to prepare building drafting and permit plans or drawings so that the deficiency that we identify can be repaired. Depending on the scope of work, a separate structural engineering design proposal would be required.
*The structural adequacy of the existing structure can only be determined via a separate engineering proposal using the information captured in the visual inspection report.* Please remember that engineered drawings are the only way that all as built information will be captured accurately for analysis by our engineers and this is necessary in order to enable appropriate documentation and records.
To learn more about Bond’s Engineering’s structural inspection service, please contact us at